Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scream At Me Until My Ears Bleed.

Hello readers! It's been a very long time since I wrote a blog and while I was at 7-11 today, something happened and got me to start thinking about a couple of things. Today, I'm gonna write about douche bags, and their luggage. First let me start off by telling you what happened when I was at 7-11.

So, I pulled up and parked my car. I parked as the same time as this couple. They looked to be around my age. They were arguing in the car, with the windows rolled down so it was easy to hear what they were saying. As I was walking past the car, the dude was just bagging on this chick the entire time. Cursing at her and calling her names and all this nasty stuff. It was pretty bad. She was upset because he cheated on her, again. Now, I don't know how many times he did this, but in my eyes once is enough for me to never to speak to you again. But it sounded like cheating was nothing new to this relationship and it was headlining this whole argument.

While I was inside the store, they started to make their way inside. Still arguing as they were walking to the door. While I was walking out, they were in front of the door, slowly making their way inside. So I opened the door and walked out the door. When I walked out, the dude bolted inside the open door and didn't even bother to hold it open for the girl following him inside. So I grabbed the door, and held it open so wouldn't get smacked by it. With tears in her eyes, she turned and looked at me and flashed a big smile and said thanks. They went into the store, and I got into my car and parted ways.

And this got me thinking. Why do women insist on being with assholes?

Now, I don't know this couple, and I didn't hear both sides of the story. She could be a bigger slut then this guy is, but from what I heard I felt pity for this poor girl. She had to be around my age, maybe even a year or two younger. And she was cute as hell. Completely adorable. And I felt so bad for because this guy's actions led a horrible public outbreak. Instead of trying to end the conversation and finishing it out of the view of public eyes and hears, he makes things worse by blaming him cheating, on her. Insisting it's her fault he did it, more then once.

Again, I don't know these people. I don't know if she actually did do something, if she's a huge slut of if she's a nice girl who fell victim to another asshole. But from what I saw, it didn't seem right and I sided with her.

And it just makes me think, why do women stay with men when they know they are asses? When you SEE their are gentlemen out their with your own eyes and decided to stay with trash, totally boggles my mind. Obviously, she was not happy with the situation she was in but it could have easily been avoided if she ended it the first time he cheated.

I know I have no room to make this assumptions about complete strangers, but I am just going off by what I see.

On the other side of the coin, I've been in that situation. I've been in a relationship where my partner treated me like complete shit and I still stayed. I always told myself, it's a phase, it's just another fight and it will all pass and things will go back to normal. But the thing is, if that's what you do with your partner, is just fight, it's not gonna change. That's the type of person they are. If they put you down, they will always put you down because that' how they are.

People do change. But not completely, and usually it's not the things that matter that change. Usually when people change, what changes is habits. People can stop speaking a certain way (slang), or stop smoking, or stop drinking, or wear different clothes. Small things. But the things that are on the inside usually stay the same. Their opinions and how they voice them won't.

Now this doesn't apply to everyone, because I am pretty good example of change. 5 years ago I was a complete idiot (that's not the change), and I've done stupid things. Many stupid things that actually changed my life. These stupid things won't appear again in the future because I've seen how they destroyed things around me and I realized I was hurting myself and other people.

There's really no way to tell if some one has changed unless you REALLY know them. It's easy for some one to say they change, and it's easy to pretend and act like you have changed. But you can only act for so long before those secrets you're hiding, come out and show who you really are.

Alright, now I will sum up what I have just written.

Why do people stay with things that hold them down and treat them poorly and how can you be sure if some one has changed? Think about this things.