Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

So for those of you that don't know me, my birthday is tomorrow. May 19th. I haven't really asked for much this year. There's not much I wanted. I got money to go to L.A. Noire's Midnight release this week. Sick game by the way. But any way. So yeah, my birthday is coming up and to be honest I really do not know what to except. Ofcourse, it can't be as bad as last years birthday. What happened you ask? Nothing. Well... I did do something. I spent the entire day fighting with the girl I was "with." There was no celebration, or party or anything. Just spend the entire day fighting.

But ofcourse, it wasn't all that bad. I did get an email that changed alot of things for me as well. And old friend who I haven't talked in a couple of years sent me an email, wishing me a Happy birthday. Ofcourse, this is what most of the fighting was about. The girl I was "with" hated it when I talked to other females. But ofcourse, she was an awesome friend of mine and I wasn't going to ignore her because one person didn't like her. So, after a days worth of fighting, on my birthday, I decided to call this long lost friend and see if she could save my birthday from total disaster. We met up at a bar, caught up on things with the past,and stayed in contact ever since then.

But yeah, that was last years birthday. This year I really do not know what to except, but this is what I know is happening.

Thursday, the actual day of my birthday, will be spent at my local bar playing trivia and getting hammered. My usual Thursday night. Oh, I also have work the morning of my birthday. Friday, I will have work in the morning as well. Then after work my Dad and I are going out for a birthday dinner. Probably at TGI Fridays. Saturday I have no idea what's happening. I was just told not to make plans that night, so I'm pretty sure something is happening that night. Sunday is a family dinner with my aunts and uncles and grandparents, and ofcourse Mom.

And, to top it all off, Atom Willard from Angels And Airwaves emailed me today asking for my cell phone number. I was talking to him a couple of days ago in a live video chat at It's usually what they do to keep in touch with their fans. Just joking I told him I wanted to drink with him. He told me if I could send him proof that the 19th is actually my birthday, he would consider meeting up with me for a drink. I got an email from him today and he was asking for my cell phone number. So now I'm just sitting around waiting to hear from him to see when and where he wants to meet up for my birthday.

So yeah. That's my birthday plans for this year.

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